Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Old Electrolux Vacuums Score Poorly In Our Emissions Test; What was Once Reliable Is No More
But...what I am here to state is that Electrolux spits the dust, dirt and microscopic organisms (i.e. dust mites) right back out …
Electrolux produces horrendous emissions. The moment you turn your “classic” Electrolux vacuum cleaner on, your house becomes much dirtier than before. With the lack of HEPA filtration, the dirt, dust, bacteria and other household contaminants are spewing right back out of the machine. See my YouTube video below with our emissions test here
I bring this up not only because it’s disgusting, but because it’s certainly hazardous to your health and others in your family. The reality is that it negatively affects you, and also damages YOUR parents, grandparents, or even great-grandparents health. Remember, the older generations largely own the older Electrolux vacuums, and this could be a source of serious health issues. According to Dr. James Sublett, he estimates that the typical person will spend 600,000 hours of their life indoors (University of Louisville School of Medicine Preventive Health). With that, the older we get, the more time we spend indoors, and thus, makes it essential to have healthy indoor air quality.
Miele vacuums minimize the amount of dust and dirt that goes back into the air. So those that care about their personal and/or family member's well being, at some point, (hopefully) you're going to throw that old Electrolux vacuum away and upgrade to one that makes your environment cleaner, more livable and healthy.
In terms of the NEW Electrolux vacuums on the market…Unfortunately, the Electrolux vacuums that you currently see at stores are not made the same way as they used to.
What once was a classy vacuum cleaner is no more as Electrolux, which is now owned by Eureka, continues to sell under the Electrolux/Aerus brand and has managed to increase the price to the consumer, while producing subpar quality (Electrolux is now entirely plastic). It is no longer reliable, and now made with fragile quality and accompanied by poor vacuum cleaner performance.
We suggest consumers (especially die-hard Electrolux fanatics, like your grandmother) examine new vacuum cleaners such as the Miele Vacuum that has produced technological innovations through the years that far surpass the “Eureka-lux.” That said, we refrain from giving Electrolux products the Consumer Reporter’s Green Seal of Approval.
Visit my web site here for details and to view comparisons of different machines, or even call me with questions at 908.668.4600.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Dyson versus Miele
Subject: Dyson
Hello, Mr Rubin,
I watched your video on Youtube about Miele Versus Dyson and I think your comparision was riddled with bias.
Firstly, the test of picking lumps of dirt out of a carpet is unfair, since ANY upright isn't designed to do that. Why didn't you pull the hose out of the Dyson and test that? That's what it's there for.
Secondly, You say that Miele's bagged cleaner is better. Try doing the same test after a year's worth of use and see what results you get. A bagged cleaner will lose suction because dirt will clog the pores of a bag which will restrict suction. A fresh bag won't have this problem. Unless you change the bag when you do a new room.
Thirdly, that particulate meter you have. Was it properly calibrated? How do we know? Speaking as a scientist, if that machine isn't independently and properly calibrated, then your comparison is meaningless.
Anyway, I look forward to your reply. I have a Dyson vacuum cleaner and it does everything it claims to and more.
From: Gerry
Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2008 11:30 PM
Subject: Dyson
Thank you for your note. While your feedback is very much appreciated, your questions are riddled, through and through, with a lack of simple fundamental vacuum knowledge. This is the exact reason why I have decided to educate consumers via YouTube and with my blog. As you may or may not know, I have been in the industry for 30+ years and have chosen to share my deep level of experience with the internet community. I aspire towards objectivity, which is why I use the particle counter. This device rules out fallacies and shows the public with empirical evidence – what vacuum/air purifier works and what doesn't.
In addition, your suppositions are inherently biased, accompanied with justifications and a zealot attitude. We must remain neutral, but in order to do so, you must look past the Dyson hype. In seeking to overcome this bias, you have chosen to employ the very same defective "lens" you claim that I have.
I have considered your analysis. Please see my rebuttal below.
1) The Dyson fails to pickup heavy dirt. Through my YouTube video here - , clearly, the Miele vacuum cleaner was actually able to pickup all the "dirt" that I laid on the carpeting, while the Dyson failed this rather simple task. The dirt as you say, is K-pok, which is a light feathery-cotton substance that professionals typically use to test a vacuum's suction performance on carpeting. EVERY vacuum is meant to pickup this dirt. Recall that Dyson claims to pick up cat and dog hair. Then, why is it unfair to test this cotton-like substance you speak of? Do you find it strange that the Miele can pick it with one swipe, yet the Dyson struggles on the 3rd swipe? By the way, I don't need to use the hose if the brush-roll (the most powerful part of the machine) on the vacuum can't even pickup the dirt. The hose is meant to be an attachment to reach areas that you can't get to.
2) BAGLESS = time consuming + less capacity than a bag+ dirty + is not sealed. For starters, Dyson's bin capacity is 0.71 gallon. As my YouTube video shows here- , the Dyson is picking up less dirt than the Miele, which sports a bag capacity of 4.76 Quartz (remember 4 Quartz/1 Gallon). The Dyson bin must also be emptied more frequently, thus, taking longer to clean. Most consumers I know would rather save time, and not spend it on taking numerous trips to the garbage (you inhale the dust you dump too). If you had a vacuum bag, it would be sealed, and require you to make only one trip to toss it out (plus you would not have to breathe and touch that stuff). Now your right, most vacuums come equipped with one-ply generic paper bags which have relatively large pores. To compare, the Miele's vacuum bags are not made of paper but rather high filtration cheese cloth with protective foil layering the inside. Notably, you can fill Miele's vacuum bag completely TO THE BRIM and the vacuum will still have 100% suction.
3) Dyson vacuums are not completely sealed. As I demonstrated here, Dyson vacuums do not trap the fine dust, particles and contaminants to true HEPA standards of 99.98%. While the HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) filter itself may be HEPA certified outside the machine, it only matters what is being dispelled from the machines once it is inside the architecture...
Now, this leads me to the next point...
Dyson vacuums lower your indoor air quality, increasing health risks and your need for more vacuuming. If a vacuum is supposed to trap the dust, why buy a Dyson, if it doesn't accomplish its main purpose --to trap the dust and dirt, without recycling it back into the air you breathe. I have attached a picture (see below) of the back of the particle counter, and as you can see, the next calibration date is Sept-13-08. The particle counter does not lie, and evidently, the Dyson is spewing particles back into the air you breathe, while nothing is coming out of the Miele, it is completely sealed. The second you open the Dyson bin and pour your dirt into the garbage bag, you have already unleashed the fine particles back into the air, which reinvigorates your vacuum cycle. In a Miele, the vacuum gets all the dust, pet hair, sand, tiny allergens, so your floor and air will stay cleaner longer because nothing is left behind.
Enjoy vacuuming,

Friday, April 11, 2008
Miele versus Sebo
His question was simple, Miele vs. Sebo - which one is better?
My logic is simple. Here was our exchange (reads from top to bottom:
David Sent: Sunday, April 06, 2008 12:08 PM
Subject: Miele vs. Sebo Powerheads?
Hi Gerry,
I have been doing vacuum cleaner research for about 1 week now as I am determined to get the right product for my new floors. I have about 45% DEEP pile carpet, 45% hardwood flooring, 10% tile flooring in my home. My investigations initially focused on upright vacuums as I just felt I wanted to keep doing what I have been doing all along…. Only with a better vacuum. Well, as I researched (and have continued to use my current cheap Eureka upright and hand sweeping all my bare floors)… I have decided I want ONE machine that can do it all. I think I am now convinced that an upright (even a great one, of which there are some) will still come up short in a few areas… and will have me working more than I want to on my bare floors.
Now to my POINT and/or QUESTION(s): I have narrowed my choices down to (2) brands/models of canister vacuums for a very specific reason… and I would appreciate your input some. Due to the fact that I have a very DEEP pile carpet, it is important that I get a vacuum with a powerhead that is most effective at picking up this pile in high traffic areas and reconditioning it bring it back to its original look. I have a few high traffic areas where the carpet gets quite matted and crushed. I am convinced that the only way to revive these areas is to vacuum more frequently with a high quality vacuum, with a very very good powerhead to separate and lift the fibers of the carpet again.
I am looking at a Miele canister with a 236 Powerhead as one of my weapons of choice, and I am also considering the top of the line SEBO canister as well with their best powerhead. I am trying to understand which brand will have the most effective powerhead for my situation. Both brands seem to be fine German machines, and are both highly regarded in my brief investigations.
I know you are a Miele dealer, and do not carry SEBO, but 1) am I understanding my need and issue correctly with my carpet matting? 2) Is there another area, issue, or solution I should also be mindful of? 3) If I go with Miele, is it worth it for me to buy from you…. or can you not give me a great incentive of some sort to purchase from you while I am way out here on the west coast (California)?
Thank you Gerry in advance for your reply. I found out about you while clicking on various links on the internet, and found your YouTube video which I enjoyed a lot. Have a GREAT day Gerry!
Merced, CA
From: Gerry Rubin []
Sent: Monday, April 07, 2008 1:34 PM
Hi David,
Your carpet should look like the first day of spring not the last day of winter.
The Miele canister with a full size s236 power nozzle will make your carpet like new and trap 100% of all particles down to .03 microns.
The Sebo canister although the manufacturer “claims” it is Hepa does not trap the dust particles.
It is your choice which vacuum to purchase!
My price is the same price as everyone else on the internet.Thank you,
From: David
Sent: Monday, April 07, 2008 7:42 PM
Thank you for your reply. I consider you to be a reliable source, but I am admittedly quite ignorant of the entire subject matter myself… therefore I am seeking to understand truth and reality. I am also however, a personality type that is a planner/plotter (or is that plodder?). I had already previously unearthed the fact that SEBO was not a true HEPA filter product….. however, that doesn’t necessarily by itself tell me that it doesn’t effectively filter out down to .03 microns, anymore than having a HEPA filter ensures that any given machine is filtering effectively just because it does deploy a Hepa filter…. Your video demonstrates that very well I think.
While I have read/heard the SEBOs don’t have a true HEPA filter, I have not read/heard that they don’t effectively filter out the dust particles as effectively….?? By chance have you used your dust meter to measure the SEBO canister’s filter effectiveness against a Miele? Please understand I am not arguing at all because I don’t have cause or a position to argue from….. however, I am questioning just to make sure I understand. If you say one does clean and the other doesn’t then I will take your word for it. I “assumed” based on what I have read to this point that both did a very good job at filtering…. And the part I was focused in on was the powerhead abilities to effectively lift up and recondition the carpet. I appreciate your very clear description of your view of the Miele 236 powerhead in combo with an S5 model canister vac. Your confidence is very helpful in that regard.
I guess I just got thrown off a little by the unexpected filtering comments, but that is also appreciated…. Since I am after “truth” in this subject that I have ZERO experience in myself.
I don’t think I understand your comment about pricing…?? Are prices controlled on Miele products by the manufacturer?
Thanks again Gerry for being patient with me.
From: Gerry
Sent: Monday, April 09, 2008 11:04 PM
1) Miele crushs the Sebo in terms of HEPA filtration....While we have yet to post a video to demonstrates this, Sebo vacuums are not completely sealed. They surely do not trap the fine dust, particles and contaminants to true HEPA standards of 99.98%. While the HEPA filter itself may be HEPA certified outside the machine, it only matters what is being dispelled from the machines once it is inside the architecture...
Now, this leads me to the next point...
2) A vacuum is supposed to trap the dust... Why buy a Sebo, if it doesn't accomplish its main purpose --to trap the dust and dirt, without recycling it back into the air you breathe..You know the smell after you vacuum with your Eureka, or even the dust glaring when the sun beams into your living room, this is caused by the inefficiency in the vacuum you are using. The exact thing happens on the Sebo! As i'm sure you have seen with the particle counter, nothing is coming out of the Miele, it is sealed.
3) Miele is really a vacuum for a life-time... Now, they don't pay me enough to lie..But in all honesty, if i sold you a Sebo canister, you would never shop at my store again..I could never stay in business. But say you bought the same machine from Sears...You may never go back to Sears for a vacuum, but you would go back from a fridge or even a lawn mower. The bottom line is that Miele's are built to last and have lasted the test of time. Sebo is not known for its canister, but Miele is. The ingenuity of Miele's architecture makes it very sturdy, the engineering makes it so that it does not break down if you pick up a nickle, dime, penny or sock - so there is no hidden costs of repairs. The motor alone in the Miele has a 7 year warranty. Nothing goes through the fan of through the motor.
I hope that helps you come closer to your decision and if you have questions, feel free to call us on the phone . All the Miele models have different features that support different needs. Again, prices are standard across the web, but the sale doesn't end when you buy it from us, it begins. I am glad to help as are the rest of us here at
From: David
Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2008 4:11 PM
Hi Gerry
Until your note this morning I didn’t feel I had a compelling enough reason to order from across country. Anyway, I want to thank you for your response
I will also pass your site along to friends/others that might have future interest in a new vacuum. I now have a Miele I can show them in my home and then I can give them your website should the opportunity arise.
Thanks again, but I feel I am an honorable guy…. and your response, while a little later than what I needed, was exactly what I was hoping for and I did not want that to go unrecognized.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Dyson Vacuum Cleaner - All Hype, No Substance
Consumers, don’t believe the hype. Dyson boasts that its vacuum 1) does not loose suction and, 2) contains a lifetime HEPA filter. Remember the old adage, “if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.” Marketing sells and James Dyson has glamorized a mediocre vacuum into a fashion symbol. Now people over pay pay over $500 for a machine that lacks convenience, performance, quality emission controls and much needed vacuum bags.
Unfortunately, Dyson is not as good at engineering as they are at marketing. When the vacuum breaks down, the machine must be entirely disassembled to get to the brushroll and belt, which require special tools as well as training. This is a serious problem, if you want serviceability and ease of maintenance. Moreover, replacement parts are very expensive and finding someone to perform the repairs will cost you $.
We have tested the Dyson with our particle counter and it does not meet HEPA standards – meaning it does not effectively trap over 99.97% of all fine dust, pollen, and other particles. While Dyson vacuums do not have bags, it is actually more of a weakness than strength.
In our YouTube video below, we point out that if you’re going to dump your dirt into a bag anyways, wouldn’t you rather just put it directly into a true bag made for vacuum cleaners, one that is sealed and traps the dust without forcing you to breathe all the particles and contamination? Take our word for it, the Dyson is disgusting to empty and it fills up quickly (agian, see our YouTube video for more).
From a historical and also quality perspective, up until the year 2000, Dyson licensed its design to a
Don’t be a victim of brilliant marketing - the Dyson is overpriced and underperforms. All in all, the Dyson does not meet the Consumer Reporter’s Green Seal of Approval qualifications.
What say you Dyson?
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
The Dirt Devil Vacuum - The Ultimate Throw-away, Made to Break
The ultimate throw-away vacuum – made to break. While the successes of the Dirt Devil Hand-Vac are most known to the consumer, the high emissions (See our YouTube video for more), lack of workmanship, deteriorating quality, and poor suction power keep us on the sidelines.
We note that in 2004, the Dirt Devil Company was purchased by Hong Kong-based Techtronic, enabling you to buy a cheaper and inferior quality product that still carries a familiar American name-brand. Dirt Devil has steadfastly been declining in quality, negatively impacting the vacuum’s construction, suction, performance, emission quality and features. Deteriorating quality has essentially plagued Dirt Devil now for the past 15 years or more, as the company boasts its name brand while ignoring the customer’s needs.
These vacuums are manufactured entirely of plastic parts, without a bypass system – everything goes through the fan and through the motor, meaning the vacuum breaks down easily and rapidly. We refrain from any positive endorsement as the vacuum does not meet the Consumer Reporter’s Green Seal of Approval standards. In order for us to revisit our rating, Dirt Devil vacuum must manufacture a product that traps the dust, enhance its quality, technologically innovates and sells consumers a product that does not break down.
Through our particulate analysis below, it proves that dirt, dust and contaminants are leaking out of the Dirt Devil Cyclonic Vacuum Cleaner. Watch and learn as I perform a side-by-side comparison with the Miele. My findings prove that the Miele Vacuum is completely sealed and truly is HEPA sealed. Wouldn't you rather have a vacuum cleaner that is sealed?
Sunday, March 2, 2008
The Kirby Vacuum Really Pollutes Your Home
Through a particulate analysis, this video shows dirt, dust and contaminants leaking out of the Kirby Vacuum Cleaner. Watch and learn as I perform a side-by-side comparison with the Miele. My findings prove that the Miele Vacuum is completely sealed and truly is HEPA sealed. Wouldn't you rather have a vacuum cleaner that is sealed?
YouTube Viewers Agree—100% Ineffective, 100% Pollution
*Here's one email I recently received....
Nice Gerry, I knew the Kirby was bad, but I didn't think it was that bad. lol. I was informed that there is a steel plate between the fan and the motor but that seems a bit bogas because obviously there's 13 million particles that are coming through. I would like to see a test of the Simplicity Synergy cause I'm sure that they trap at 100% because they're sealed and I think they use a fancy bag don't they? But still between the Miele and a Kirby hands down Miele for reason #1 the Miele is about $600 cheaper on average, #2 it's warrantied for 7 years on the motor (Kirby is only 2 years, and they're supposed to last forever) and #3 the Miele works as you have proven many times over and over.Thanks for the response Jon, much appreciated. As I've said before, don't you think Kirby and these other vacuum cleaner brands know the implications of leaking dust, bacteria and particulates back into the air? I think YES. As the years go by, where are the enhancements from technological innovations? None are evident.
By the way school is going really good. I have really enjoyed my class, I have had a chance to use some nice vacuums :D and in the 2nd term will learn to use the riding floor machine and get certified to use a propane bunrisher. I am actually applying for an on campus job in the housekeeping department, hopefully I will be able to get that. Well, take care Gerry!
Jon ;)
In fact, I argue the contrary. Kirby, Dyson, Oreck, Bissel, Dirt Devil, Royal, Hoover, Eureka and all the other vacuums that I have tested/mentioned-- do not even attempt to improve the vacuum cleaner performance, emissions or suction.
These products are detrimental to the consumer's health.
It is what it is.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Rules To Making a Wise Vacuum Cleaner Purchase
I give you the following information for you to use as you will. Remember that you should shop, study, and compare before you purchase.If you are considering a vacuum to purchase or just hate your current vacuum - you have found the right place. I assure you, if you choose a vacuum based on these rules, you will have a vacuum for a lifetime. Those that don't follow these rules to making a wise vacuum cleaner purchase are far more likely to buy a piece of junk and then subsequently buy another throw-away to replace it. There is no doubt about it.
**In honor of full disclosure, the rules below are sculpted based on the Miele Vacuum Cleaner, as it fulfills each rule and sets a precedent the vacuum industry only wished it can follow. As always, if you have any questions please call or email me.
Let's begin...
Rule #1: Make sure the architecture is sturdy, practical, and mechanically sound.
Belt? Geared belts are the way to go. The reality is that you never have to change one again. No more changing vacuum belts. A traditional flat vacuum belt will stretch, slip and wear out quickly, whereas the Miele has geared belts - which are permanent. The belt moves in tandem with the motor, so it will last the life of the power head. The cherry on top is that geared belts have fibers going through it to which adds strength to the belt. On top of that, they are not a hassle to put on. You do not have to stretch it over a shaft, it slides over the shaft.
The benefit of all this to you is simple. If you pick up a sock under your couch, or even a fringe from your throw rug, the power head automatically shuts off. You remove the clogged item then hit the reset button, and your back to vacuuming!The Materials can take abuse. All Miele vacuums are constructed from high-quality ABS plastic material, which is the same material used in an NFL football helmet or motorcycle crash helmet. This essentially makes the architecture durable for a lifetime of use. Additionally, this vacuum cleaner comes standard with a crush-proof hose. The electric or non-electric hose can withstand my 250lb weight after I stand on it time after time and it does not break, kink or have an electrical short. The Miele wands are made of metal (stainless steel), not plastic and are telescopic. It carries three attachments accompanied with natural horsehair bristles, a crevice tool, and a furniture tool with lint and thread lifter strips on-board right under the lid.
Yet another interesting nuglet of information about the machine, not so conspicuous to the average consumer, is the automatic cord rewind. On other machines, if you pull too hard on the cord, you will pull the cord right out of the vacuum socket. Well, on the Miele, you can carry the machine from the cord, and it will not pull out. I have swung the Miele vacuum like a lasso around my head and body. Moreover, my customers who own a Miele have run over they're cords numerous times and the cords don’t get chewed up.
With a Bypass system, nothing goes through the fan or motor. A bypass system means that the dirt will not go through the fan or motor, but rather bypass it and go directly into the bag. In most vacuum cleaners, the dirt will go through the fan of the motor. If you pick up a medium-to-large sized object, you are in for a costly repair. In the Miele, both the motor and fan sit behind the vacuum bag. Therefore, dirt or any object you pickup, goes straight to the bag, giving your machine a much longer life-span.
Rule #2: Particles drawn in should not re-enter the air; the right filtration system is key.
A vacuum cleaner's filtration system is essential to making your home dirt free. Why? Well, if the vacuum is not trapping the dust and dirt that you pick up, what good is it? You’re just re-circulating and recycling the dirt and dust back into the air, which actually reinvigorates your vacuum cycle for the following week. No need to vacuum then, just get a fan and broom and be on your merry way.
To bring the point home, when you open the window shade and see the small particles and dust glimmering in the sunlight – that’s what I am talking about here. Your breathing that stuff in through your nose and lungs..Yuck.
A “true” HEPA filter must be in place. With a true HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) filter, particles should be trapped all the way down to 0.03 microns in size, or 1/300th of a human hair – including, pollen, dust mites and their feces, which are known irritants to trigger allergies. A true HEPA filter, which is found in the Miele vacuum, captures and retains 99.97% of these lung-damaging particles and bacteria to .03 microns. While many vacuums found in large retail stores are labeled “HEPA” filtration, it doesn’t mean it honestly traps the dust to .03 microns. Most of these claims are false and actually fraudulent marketing ploys. HEPA is not a standard regulated by any government or scientific committee. It's very easy for any vacuum brand to tout its HEPA, and they do. As you may have seen, my YouTube videos surely bring this point home. The particle count being expelled by your vacuum is something to pay a lot of attention to. Shop carefully and from a reputable vacuum dealer who really understands vacuum technology and filtration systems for home use.
As it turns out, the Miele is certified “true” HEPA according to the European EN 1822 standard, which is the most stringent standard and confirms it truly removes dust and particles down to 0.03 microns. This standard is not used in the US. And, for the record, I have tested the Miele vacuums and they are indeed “true” HEPA (again, see my YouTube videos). This is not opinion, this is fact as I empirically test all vacuums and find out the actual particles coming out of the machine to derive if the vacuum really is trapping the dust. When I test the particulate count from the Miele, you can see it traps all particles to 0.03 microns – on the particle counter it reads 0 particles emitted per cubic foot. To contrast, a new Oreck I tested emits 8,500,000 particulates per cubic foot – its driving the contaminates airborne.Which leads to my conclusion about all of this. With the right “true” HEPA machine, the air being filtered and released back into the room is very, very clean, unlike most vacuums that send dusty, dirty air back into your home.
The vacuum must also be totally sealed. In order for any vacuum cleaner to trap the tiniest of particles, it must NOT only have HEPA filtration, but must also be totally sealed from the vacuum’s, joints, cracks, crevices to the cord compartment and elsewhere. This is what I like to call “vacuum sealed.”
A simple analogy I use to understand this is a “vacuum sealed” zip-lock baggie. Consumers use a vacuum sealed baggie, to seal the food tightly inside so it does not go bad. If you were to puncture a hole in it, then of course the food goes bad or stale. The baggie needs to be sealed at all times and so does a vacuum cleaner. If you put your hand anywhere around a Miele vacuum cleaner, there is no air coming out of it other than where the exhaust is. But there is a “true” HEPA in place making the Miele canisters completely sealed. Again, you must have a “true” HEPA filter right at the exhaust where all airflow must pass through in order to be cleaned. Also, the HEPA filter must be tightly sealed in the housing of the machine too. A sealed vacuum will have no leak areas and will do what it is supposed to do, keeping the dust inside the machine.There are two kinds of vacuum bags - those that trap the dust and those that don't. You vacuum pounds of dirt, dust and contaminants from your home during each use. Next time you vacuum, open your bag compartment. Take note of the filth that has accumulated in-and-around the vacuum bag. What good is a vacuum bag if it is not trapping the dust?
Most vacuums come equipped with one-ply generic paper bags which have relatively large pores that allow fine dust to escape, lowering indoor air quality, increasing health risks and the need for dusting and more vacuuming. To compare, the Miele’s vacuum bags are not made of paper but rather high filtration cheese cloth with protective foil layering the inside. They are also self-sealing with great density and capture far more fine dust. You will not see the filth built-up around vacuum bag compartment in a Miele. The vacuum gets all the dust, pet hair, sand, tiny allergens, and the floor will stay cleaner longer because next to nothing is left behind.
All this helps determine whether particles are being trapped in the vacuum or driven airborne.
Rule #3: How well the vacuum performs - the real meat and potatoes
Finally, the last part of the equation is suction power. In order to have great suction, it really depends on the vacuum cleaner’s architecture, design, and filtration. We know from above that Miele vacuums check-off these three boxes. It’s the entire vacuum system that determines and enables its performance and suction.
Don't look at amperage as an indicator of performance. Contrary to popular belief, amperage (AMPS) is the amount of electricity it takes to turn on the vacuum, it’s simply the measure of electrical current…It has nothing to do with motor performance or suction power. For example a Porsche may have a 4-cylinder engine. Does that mean it’s slower and lacks the performance of an 8 cylinder engine? Not at all.
What gives a vacuum motor its performance is airflow, and sealed suction. A better indicator of performance, Air flow, is measured in CFM (cubic feet of air/minute), and vacuum cleaners with high CFM ratings have more suction power. All Miele vacuums have high performance German-made motors that produce more than adequate airflow and suction for any vacuuming task. For the engineer in you, Miele vacuums have 141 CFM, while Oreck vacuum cleaners are at an underwhelming 100 CFM. With the airflow of 140CFM and with sealed suction of 100 inches, Miele could pick up TWO 16 lb. bowling balls if you wanted it to. Most vacuums out there (think Oreck) have such poor suction; they rely solely on the bristles picking up the dirt. The Miele vacuum picks everything like sand and pet fur, even without the roller turning.
Power brush (a.k.a.“power head”) separates the men and the boys. In some cases, good vacuuming potential and filtration are defeated by poor design.The power brush for canister make up of about 30 % of how well the vacuum system works controlling features like the speed of the brush and the quality/design of the bristles.
I digress. The Miele’s roller bearings are lubricated ball bearings that last a lifetime. Not only that, if you have an animal and you pick up the air that get’s wrapped around the roller in other vacuums, here, you unlock and remove the roller cover with a coin due to coin slotted lock screws. You can self-service it yourself! Genious. This gives you clear access to the roller for cleaning. You can use the powerhead on the bare floor which does a wonderful job. It has a squeegee underneath to really seal to the ground as well as all rubber wheels that will not scratch your floors. The Miele also has superb edge cleaning - dirt that is found along the edges of your wall - it will pick up ever piece, guarantee it.
Closing Thoughts. In sum, Miele is the Mercedez-Benz of architecture, design, filtration and performance; Just powerful workhorses that have lasted the test of time, and garnered much respect along the way. Miele products are built to last 20 years under normal use and the motor has a 7-year warranty. Enough said. Thanks for reading.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Truthfully cleaning the air, Honestly trapping the dirt we vacuum
Over the past months, I have received many emails of folks thanking me for my efforts, but with little media attention. Finally, our local paper here in New Jersey acknowledged us. They should be writing this blog. See below write-up!
Most homes are filled with dust mites (and their excrement), pollen, pet dander, and other pollutants that you can't see with the naked eye. With a multitude of air purifiers and vacuum cleaners on the market that claim to be HEPA – how do you know for sure?
Gerry Rubin, local business owner of AAA VAC in Watchung and recently started a blog called "Consumer Reporter," as a vehicle to educate consumers about the vacuum and air purification market. Gerry as also been on ABC'S channel 7 new series called "I-CAUGHT". As an environmental engineer Gerry has tested hospitals in the Philippines, zone b of the world trade center and spoken with international Governor Peter laurel of the Philippines. We take air quality for granted in the United States. Children in 3rd world countries are dying in the thousands from unhealthy air. Air quality in U.S. homes is just as bad.
What is even more interesting is to be found in Gerry's YouTube videos, particularly in his discussion surrounding vacuum and air purification filters and sealed systems. Gerry has tested countless vacuums and purification systems that claim to be HEPA but, in fact, actually lack HEPA filtration efficiency. He goes on to say "they
simply do not deliver what they claim--- they do not trap the dust to 99.97%, up to 0.3 microns." To find real HEPA machines, Gerry tests products (where the air flows through) with an actual particle counter (like the ones used at Ground Zero in NYC to test airborne contaminations). He not only tests the middle of the filter but also
the side edges and other areas of the chassis where, more often than not, there is a high reading due to leakage.
Notably, Gerry also tests products that work – he has found vacuums and air purifiers on the market that does trap the dust. His particulate analysis reveals both the Miele and IQAir brands offer completely sealed systems which are truly HEPA, and help to keep the dirt and dust where it should be – in the machine. Thus far, he has posted 9 tests on Youtube of the more popular vacuums and air purifiers on the market. I highly suggest you check to see if your vacuum or purifier is tested – you should see what he reveals!
Simply go to and search for Hoover Vacuum or Oreck Vacuum. Operating under the alias of "Consumer Reporter," he will surely be one of the first to be displayed. He also performs particle tests on vacuums and air purifiers in his
store too. Bring in your machines and see what he discovers. He's been in business for over 30 yrs and AAA VAC (formerly Westfield Vacuum & Allergy Relief) carries a complete line of cleaning solutions for a healthy home. He installs sealed central vacuum systems. Repairs and service are also done on site as well as in home. Feel free to call him at 908-668-4600 with any questions or visit his blog at and his website
November 2007 issue of "The Warren Showcase" - Supporting The Warren Business and
Professional Association